What is Etiquette ?
Etiquette is a code of polite conduct. It is a wide set of social norms and rules that one should know and apply when interacting with others within a society. If you practice proper etiquette, you are less likely to offend or annoy people – and you may even charm them.

Hand-kiss, a noble way of greeting ladies originating from Europ
Etiquette applies not only in restaurants, but also on thestreets, in public transportation, at home, in the office… basically anywhere where you are dealing with other people. Quite simply, Etiquette is expected behaviour that shows respect, tact, kindness and is a very powerful tool to make yourself and everyone else feel comfortable in any situation.

Formal dinners are very codified events which require a perfect sense of etiquette
Each country has its own Etiquette. In China, it is important to recognize seniority of people, to offer gifts as a token of friendship, to take off your shoes when entering someone’s home or to offer multiple toasts during a dinner.

American President Nixon toasts with China's Premier Zhou Enlai. Beijing, 1972
In the West, complete different rules apply. In order to experience a pleasant journey abroad, for the occasion of a business trip, a student exchange program or simply for tourism, one should learn and master the visited country’s etiquette beforehand. In doing so, the visitor will more likely to be warmly welcomed, respected and successful.
French Etiquette

Louis XIV and Molière. Versailles, 1862
French Etiquette takes its roots in the Middle-Age, when big banquets were organized with « noble » people already demonstrating their supposed superiority with complex manners. It reached an extreme level under Louis XIV, with Versailles being the King’s theatre of his royal demonstration and protocol, affecting the foreign guests visiting the castle and bringing back inspiration with them on the way home. As a consequence, French Etiquette is regarded today as one of the main influences which shaped modern social behaviour in the West over the last centuries.

French "Art de vivre" : elegance and pleasure
Being regarded as a model of elegance and excellence allover the world, thanks to its leadership position on the gastronomy, fashion and tourism industries, France has a lot to share with the rest of the world. French "Art de vivre", which can be translated into "Art of living", describes a daily life dedicated to leasure, art, culture and food, and is an inspiration to many.

Founded in 2018 by Matthieu Ventelon, Hedonia is the first institution in China combining professional Wine and Etiquette expertise in the same training offer.
Find more information on our website : http://en.hedonia.cn