In the 17th century, The Thirty Years' War broke out in Europe. The French has called for Croatian mercenaries to come for help and these military officers were wearing small neckerchieves which immediately attracted the attention from the Parisians.

The Sun King Louis XIV was obsessed with fashion. Since 1646, he has started wearing similar lace scarves. This has also affected other French officers as they began to wear a white cloth around the collar that they named a « tour de cou ».

Until now, ties have become one men’s indispensable accessories in business occasions and as well more casual ones. How to knot a tie? How to select them? This week, let us take you into the world of ties!
How to make different types of knots?
Simple knot

This knot is suitable for tall and slim people to wear and should go with point collars. Firstly, make sure to button your shirt all the way up. Raise your collar which would be more convenient.

The wider part of your tie is hanging on the right while the thinner part should be on the left side. Make the wider one pass above the thinner one. Then surround the tie and your index finger.

Eventually, let the tie go through the knot you’ve just made. Hold the thinner part with one hand and the knot with another. Make it slide all the way up to make it tight. Congrats! Your simple knot is well made!
Half-windsor knot

Relatively, a half-windsor knot fits most collar styles. When knotting your tie, you’ll need to place the wider part on top of the thinner one first. Next bring the wider part under through the hole.

Flip the tie and then loop the tie backwards. A half-windsor knot is beginning to take shape now.

Lastly, squeeze the tie into the whole. Perfect!
Windsor knot

Typically, the windsor knot is the right choice with spread collars as the neckline is wider. This knot perfectly suits shorter or heavier bodies.

First off, repeat the first steps from the half-windsor knot. Then add another movement to make a complete triangle.

Finally, pass the tie through the hole and tuck it into the knot.

This is a thicker knot which is quite suitable for filling a wider collar gap.
How to wear a tie properly?

When not wearing a tie, keep in mind that you should always undo the first shirt’s button. However, fasten all shirt’s button as well as tighten your tie when wearing one.

Also, pay attention that your tie should fall right on your belt’s buckle.
How to select a tie?
On business occasions, men could opt for ties in dark solid colors, such as dark blue or dark red. Or why not choosing one with discrete patterns including stripes or dots?
Don’t pair your tie with exactly the same color or pattern as your pocket square.

Instead, match the primary color of your tie with the secondary color of your pocket square and vice versa, or even with the color of your socks. There are many playful and smart options!

You’d better not choose too large ties or overdramatic patterns. They are already out of date.
Choosing and wearing a proper tie can make yourself more successful in formal occasions. Take some notes and present an elegant and professional image to others!