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How to wear a pocket square

· French Etiquette
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Pocket squares are great accessories that can enhance your outfit... or break it.

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These decorative piece of fabrics that go into the gentleman’s breast pocket can be very elegant when worn properly.

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Today, we will teach you how to confidently and successfully wear a pocket square, no matter the occasion !

Don’t buy pre-folded pocket squares

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Don’t be so lazy. You will lose all the fun of folding them yourself ! Furthermore, they just look cheap.

Don't directly match your tie and pocket square

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Although you might think this is an easy way to coordinate your outfit, it is definitely out of style.

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The purpose of the pocket square is instead to compliment your outfit by contrasting or harmonizing with other elements.

Match colours in a smart way

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Choose a secondary colour from your shirt or tie as the primary colour for your pocket square.

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Reversely, if you are wearing a plain tie, use its colour as the secondary colour for your pocket square.

Don't overload the patterns

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Patterns combinations are tricky and wearing too many can look a bit odd.

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Ensure some elements of your outfit are flat colors so that your pocket square can shine out in a good way.

Don’t choose it too small

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Make sure your pocket squares are over 30cm x 30cm, especially if they are silk-made, as anything smaller is likely to slip down and disappear into your pocket.

Match your fold to the occasion

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For formal occasions, stick to a fl

For formal occasions, stick to a flat fold, or one or two peaks fold, preferably of white color.

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For more casual occasions, you can use a puff fold, or a reversed puff fold.

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Don’t fold it too perfectly

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Folding your pocket square a bit loosely creates a nonchalant and charming elegance. When too neat and symmetrical, it looks like a pre-folded one and that’s never stylish !

Pocket square also look great without a tie

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Pocket squares can also look great on a more casual outfit and adds a stylish touch to an open shirt and jacket combination.


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Now it’s time to go to your favorite tailor shop and do some pocket square shopping. Soon you’ll never want to leave your house without wearing one !

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Founded in 2018 by Matthieu Ventelon, Hedonia is the first institution in China combining professional Wine and Etiquette expertise in the same training offer.

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